Friday, October 15, 2021

Harm to ferals, even under the Department of Conservation protection

  10.15.2021 even in parks turkey.s wings are being broken every two weeks to keep them from flying and make them easier to tag.

we made it to cage free.

thinking of the term feral equal to urban dweller, suburban, rural, or working against climate change and living, working spaces with them.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Italian Consulate NYC: sends conf receipt email for apptmt request email: NO apptmt set

  contacted the Consulate for the following:

1. Info on how to run for election for COMITES to promote Italian culture and support;

2. Electoral info on COMITES election set for December 3, 2021;

3. The issuing of a Certificate of Citizenship;

4. Human Resource Info to prevent harm during a persecution: housing, funds, medical, food.

New York State Covid 19 Vac Doc Info Awohl

  Applied for the New York State Excelsior Pass.all my Covid 19 info is gone.


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

THE VESSEL OF REVOLUTION CAN ARRIVE AT PORT ONLY ON A SEA REDDENED BY TORRENTS OF BLOOD: what english crown thinks is Louis Antoine de Saint Just.s friend and peer


Jean-Joseph Tenaert: The Arrest of Robespierre on the Night of 9-10 Thermidor , Year Two

 Louis Antoine de Saint Juste quoted as saying anaironically :

" Keep cool and you command everybody"

" In every revolution a dictator is needed to save the state by force, or censors to save it by virtue," 

with this adding to the true nature of his character:

" one does not make revolution by halves"

" When human statecraft attaches a chain to the feet of a free man * , whom it makes a slave in contempt of nature and citizenship, eternal justice rivets the other end about the tyrant.s neck"

* a practice done by dutch slave trade to immigrants in the US.porters would chain their ankles on disembarking and carry them off with all their property, this post english civil war through the revolution.New York misrepresented as having shaken off english crown rule after a year of occupation, deserted by washington, had to wait until the treaty of Paris in 1783 to gain independence as a free country.

how does this awareness of tyranny support,plausibly, ascribing St Just a literality  to statements like: 

" in every revolution a dictator is needed to save the state by force, or censors to save it by virtue" 

when he means dictators rape for similar features, and censors self.debase by murdering their own children to substitute them with the dictator.s, or king. 

claimed by bourbon crown critics as having supported robespierre against danton, both the latter and saint juste jacobins, how is that sustainable when these are St Just.s statements about factions, and robespierre.s terror, his declaring himself dictator and god:

- I belong to no faction, I shall fight against them all-

- the revolution has grown cold, all it's principles are weakened.there remains only red caps worn by intriguers.the exercise of terror has made crime blase', as strong liquors made the palace blase'.- 

how can you say liquors refers necessarily to alcohol? palace could be an inhabitation defrauded from animals, with steeples, a castle, a malebolgian situation, a protestant church.

what you do understand is what is still going on today- on tv. robespierre must have offered to integrate war atrocities into revolutionary society as crime, revolutionaries in forensics as mad, which led to: 

Monday, September 27, 2021

smoothies in grabbable glasses for cats and dogs

 like a projected rubber circle tooth around the cup easy for dog paws to balance, bite into after the meal to play with.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

dietary contents of and concerns for the food we all eat all the time

 this is my lunch today:

1. potato: 

Material meant to mother a seed of sorts, stocked with nutrition for the sole purpose of growing a new life form, different from itself ;

2. bread, Italian:

 content that won.t kill you is harder and harder to find locally and inordinately expensive last loaf was $ snap for one person is $177.00 and if I.m lucky, an additional $95.00.I just checked the snap for a single pregnant woman it.s 6, 7  times that much.where is my money going? I didn.t even see the $137.00 over the board biden increase in a vision. This since 1990. my snap was even just $40.00 a month back then.

material  made of elements to support the gestation and growth of any new being, including me, for which I thank it.

3. an apple: 

another food stuff meant to feed a seed into a plant, so a new life;

4. one zucchini, yellow. 

a vegetable containing seeds to nourish them or me into a full-grown idea; 

5. olive oil, first pressing. 

from the outer coating of a seed meant to grow itself in a tree or my nervous system into health; 

6. mushrooms. little spore carriers made to feed whoever.s hungry with material put together for that purpose by tiny little nutritional hostesses of the vegetable world...

7. peanuts. a nut packed with material meant exclusively for consumption to nourish, heal and grow.

8. oranges and lemons.meant not only to nourish a little seed or me into another day of growth, but to knock out any disease or infection with citric acid, used and listed in method antibacterial sprays as 99percent effective- this is not their infomertial, their product works for me and I find it less noxious than other and citrus are tolerable as aromas. lavender is confusing.

9. ground meat. not a seed.s sustainment but an animal on its own, not meant to share itself as food with anyone including itself.

Is this healthy?

do lions necessarily have to eat red meat?

are cats little venomous sicari of birds and godlike madonnas, who sounded the alarm against them and waterways in the middle ages, only to force them to sit on their faces to train their tongues for royal titillations, but suffocated instead for over.pressing the cat against their own airways? 

what culture created such a depth of want and lack and need as to make this consumption unremarkable and acceptable?

Are our systems able to sustain themselves effectively without meat? 

why aren.t these issues addressed in the nutritional label, on how effective consumption of foodstuffs is to the proper functioning and growth of a body?

better me than an animal hater at the supermarket, as I think of it. but still, I think I.d find a more peaceful state of mind and who knows what growth if I didn.t eat anything slaughtered, or human placenta if it could be substituted by unfertilized eggs, milk - also meant to support a new, developing body, better if external to itself;

how about minerals? how gathered, how processable in food? Shouldn.t my body and the mineral be happy at the thought of meeting, and working with each other toward a little party and a new experimental level in a new arena of someone else.s contention? 

and greens? why am I and  why are sheep eating someone else.s lung ? Is this reasonable? Can romaine salad, even grass, grow into a tree if untrammeled and we eat its fruit?  why do I get the sharky feeling someone.s going to start a shouting feast to fast my brain by bashing  shouts in derision and virulence my way?

Can you go vegetarian without necessarily dying of protein deficiency at 44? 

La Quaestio Superstar...

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

pasta shells in a black bean, peanut butter sauce


add peanut butter and milk to black beans post 5 minute simmer

spices - the blend.s balance is extremely delicate and to the taste to experience aroma, fresh dry smoke and a fine balance of dark sugar, sea salt and pepper.

origano, dill, ground nutmeg, ground cloves, 
ground cinnamon, ground ginger, dark brown sugar and molasses.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

back breaking collars NYC 9.14.2021

 the cradle of new york city gentility, washington square park at thompson.

look at who forces dogs to wear vertebrae cracking collars. 

covered at fbi, iab at 8.45am 9.14.2021

Friday, September 10, 2021

 Facebook reports posts on extreme labor exclusion RE: NY fashion show as spam 9.10.2021:

de magistris, sindaco di Napoli ha un elenco di 150 million d.italiani fatto dalla famiglia fasano, dipendenti della bosch, nazifascista. Il piano sarebbe " gassarli" in casa.

come lo so? fasano mi deve l.appartamento a via epomeo 151, Napoli, ha cercato di rapirmi in in bordello ben quattro volte in appartamenti a chiave interna.

divulgere ad enti.irrefrenabile nella persecuzione dal 1973/4.

da cittadina italiana ed  americana cito il secondo emendamento e la condanno, e co.responsabili,  a morte.

data la natura del crimine, atto di guerra contro cittadinanza in societa. civile, e la mancata analisi e dati di sparizioni e sostituzioni possibili in zona Soccavo, e Vomero durante gli anni P2 e golpe cileno, e l.elenco esteso di genocidi futuri, estendo la mia crisi costituzionale a tutta la cittadinanza a livello globale, ecosistemico e  galattico.

fasano vorrebbe un.accettazione a livello politico della mia morte e cannibalizata, come mio padre, che uccise,  da parte di elementi superiori societali: corona, notorieta., societa. bene.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

parmesan cheese dupes in raw milk - post in Italian

 parmigiano reggiano rovinato negli stati unit, a new york :

imitazioni  a latte crudo non pasteurizzato vendute a food universe, francis lewis blvd and crocheron , stop and shop northern blvd - little neck, stop and shop bay terrace, bay terrace mall supermercati a whole foods supermarkets, 14th street, 23rd street, houston street, Manhasset, Nassau County.

alterazioni sembrano originare dalla zona di bologna ad alta infiltrazione corona borbone/sveva, possibilmente angevina.

sembrano avere spiato i processi di produzione del formaggio - per replicarlo a ledere - anche ad Aversa - bisogna salvare i bufali, sembrano immersi in escrementi agli zoccoli - pratica della corona contro rivoluzionari del 1779, dalla guerra civile in Inghilterra nel 1400 - 1500 parti: cittadini contro corona inglese, borbone, infiltrati da cromwell.

sembra connesso alle prigioni parrocchiali manorali della corona della stessa guerra civile inglese

che lesero alla repubblica  fiorentina ai tempi di dante, filippo lippi, i 

 medici - medici e vasari cannibali di bambini dei cittadini e dei lavoratori.


Wednesday, March 31, 2021

animals as cannibal condiments

 Bayside Animal Clinic 718.224.4451

3.31.2021 1.43pm 

fried, 111 precinct connected. just called told of persecution wish to dog walk, care for cats.

told they weren.t hiring, to google doggie care.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Ecologically Sound Insignificance

 These photos taken from an article by L.Espresso N.3 January 10, 2021.

It.s so called ecologically aware farming.I see it as disease inducing and  cannibal, extremely invasive practices in terms of the photobioreactor extracting nutrients from algae by way of light and should nurture, not extract from a live being. this is in Iceland, the article: Energia pulita e ortaggi di serra Parte dall' Islanda la strada per salvare la Terra. By Stefano Liberti Simone Tramonte. First it must use excreta or material unable to provide plants with necessary minerals for a healthy growth, the article details their practice not using earth for the growth of greens, and the conditions portrayed in the treatment of cattle is cruel, inhuman and disease inducing, which resulted in covid and is a blatantly predictable next epidemic as a new tuberculosis spread by food considering the overabundance of milk products sold to us in supermarkets that use unpasteurized milk, with terms like bacterial and cultured reflecting a concealment if excreta, and glandular too - enzymes- in the milk products.this is the cruel and inhuman punishment in the  reality of claims of no antibiotics given to animals grown for consumption, which, as a principle,needs to be looked into as well. Only the need for luck in the draw removes our focus from improving the planet.s existence. I don.t see why our diets would not be improved by eating more food generated to sustain a new life, like nuts, fruit, grains, not pregnant may have a beneficial approach in terms of proper growth within our own bodies as well.

Due to the extreme lack, and hate evident in the photos these are matters that need international mobilization by the military as well, including NATO and  the United Nations.