Saturday, September 30, 2023

rebuttal of 100% arbitrary saturation guardian ad litem fantasy

Alexandra Maffei
RE: Estate Emilia Maffei
Died 12.14.2021
File# 2022-3362

dear amy,

as exquisitely happy I am for you to have come to the decision of disallowing clients emergency emails, I do not share the same opinion, and behold,

would like not only to receive emergency emails but would like to discontinue you as a guardian, also  since I. m not incapacitated, as the writing of this email proves, and you never asked me even  for my opinion on the matter prior to your coming to this decision.

Let it be known that this is the first and only email received from you in the entire year - 2023 - , did not email you at all for the same time period, have not shared any other communication on any matter and also as a consequence, have no problem at all with never communicating with you at all. That does not mean I remit decision-making regarding any aspect of my person to your arbitrary  intervention, that means you. re fired.

You can, on  one hand, inform the court that you no longer simulate representing me, and on the other tell them I. m ready when they are for the email conference regarding index : 2022-3362.

As a consequence, my needs regarding queens surrogate court can be met fully by email, which I prefer to microsoft teams. 

Should you  decide to impersonate a fraudulent beneficiary, I. ll be more than happy to further all expenses and requests for remuneration of losses or harm  incurred managing, and successfully, including fiscally,  the real properties ,  mine since my mother died intestate, with me as only next of kin.

A consequent addition to this train of constitutional juridical thought is also to share with you the following: 

As 1/3 a member of a 3 person family unit, regardless of will, 2/3 of property is mine to administer as I wish, and at least 1/2 of my mother.s. 

You would be left with 1/2 of that to partage with fraudulent beneficiaries, if I did not object, which I do, to any claims of any property derived from my father.s marriage to my mother in the late fifties, which is all. 

Should you refuse to communicate this to the courts, and I not receive a reply to this email, I will most surely provide this info to the NYPD so as to allow them the pleasure to remove you as a guardian , and 

PS : do - never- approach me in any way without my consent as your violations against my person are rip- roaring extraneous to any constitutionally free and independent  process that has ever graced any court with its presence on earth.

And yet, lol and behold, I still do not forgive you your misapprehensions. 

Please respond to this email in  a prompt manner - within 24 hours- due to the proximity of the hearing.

All the best, 

Alex Maffei

On Wed, Sep 27, 2023, 3:03 PM Amy Altman  wrote:

Hi Alexandra,


I hope you have been well.


I recently changed firms in May. I also put in a response form in objection to Peter S.’s request to have his clients get emergency letters and I will be in court to object in person on October 5th.


Best regards,



Amy F. Altman


Greenfield Stein & Senior, LLP

600 Third Avenue - 11th Floor

New York, NY 10016

Direct Dial: (212) 871-6954

Main: (212) 818-9600

Fax: (212) 818-1264

aaltman at gss dot law dot com 



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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Give Us This Day Our Daily Damage: what ONE trip to DC in late October 2023 entails in jack fuckhole, admit one virgin queen usa one europe plantation impediment compact

RE: neofascist, neosecessionist terrorism 

Mittler: 4863 211th street Bayside Hills nyc ny 11358

re: home invaded,  kills homeowner/ tenant, substitutes self for by taking over their accounts.

Homicide by terrorist invader, 196.26 44 ave auburndale nyc ny 11358 involved in George Floyd midwestern extreme prejudice - cannibalism- network a contact of mittler, and kelly ripa NBC : forces employee to make phone call, then says in background will shoot at end of conversation. Killing serially and for the leon - cannibal trade invading  this area- from jackson heights borough of queens new york city and saint marks between 3 rd ave and 2nd aves , 69rs territory possibly of invasion, neofascist/neonazi gang. 

Calls made to my cell personnel at risk:

646. 532.9392;

Mittler has bush, clinton, biden contacts. Is now  a line of concentration possibly cell as well, with jena bush 9.7.2023 at 1.29pm 

Broadcasting another serial genocidal homicide from 196.27/29 45 ave auburndale nyc ny 11358.

Same address other houses trying to kill me same pattern of doppelganger/ substitutions: 36,40,37/39 - locke pinelawn ritual slayer base same for jefferson/ gray davis relatives - 27/29.

Claim for the leon 20 marked 16 for hymen membrane of someone of interest; 

On 44th ave one block north the whole block for the leon starting from maria leon same chimney terracotta as Mary mittler at 4863 211th street Bayside Hills nyc ny 11358.

Researching a late September trip to D.C.
Yielded mittler , 

Pratt Art School in Brooklyn killers playing the atlantis on the 22 of October - schizophrenic crisis cannibal of female member early childhood,female gender.

Pratt extreme hate against Italian Italian American citizens has contacts to :

1. Gesuits through antonello florio - bourbon/ chamberlain/ goebbels ties ww2, 1776 terrorist  ;

2. Episcopalian, english crown through marilla palmer 1492 terrorist .artist lives in brooklyn with Hamptons technique - used by saint nicks greek orthodox on 196th street and northern blvd auburndale four gospel/ aristocratic lines of genocide by country of origin  "slave catcher" peter zaremba - clinton,sullivan,madden,
white , cunningham families contact.

what are a hapsburg and a swabian doing in a morganatic marriage lightbulb under an open ladder dangling a black umbrella from the top step. a black cat makes an appearance.

Liner Notes: 

liner notes : what are a hapsburg and a swabian doing in a morganatic marriage lightbulb under open stairs dangling an open  black umbrella from the top step ? 

ingrid bergman/ joe strummer marry johnny cummings of the ramones  to eat amy rothshild as a morganatic marriage for a jp camelot book to the clinker: ie: between equals, non related.

hapsburg: franz ferdinand
wife: swabian, 1776 terrorist: sophie duchess of hohenberg

house of savoia was Hapsburg so how could it have fought for Italy.s war of independence in 1860 with garibaldi. Which explains the 4 wars of independence in Italy post 1860 in Milano area to oust the Hapsburg from Italy.

This situation is so evil from education to diplomacy Italy.s history claims the unification was obtained in 1860 under the aegis of the royal house of the savoy.

puh- LEEE-az, you sleaze.

Friday, September 1, 2023

invasion: electoral, school children gassing by united europe neonazi alliance - Italian crown, sforza family, milano area

Electoral , Education genocide in Auburndale NYC NY 11358 area

Electoral area and elementary school at 42 ave and francis lewis blvd borough of queens nyc.

Sforza branch / New Orleans in area trying to frame citizens as their friends in surveillance monitored areas such as citibank atm machines.

 Dropping a plug in chimneys in badly secured Bay Cranes for united europe by crown Italian milanese sforza family w dibs on foundlings after killung thwir parents within correctional san vittore since 1860.

My own father.s grandparents their victims. And here they are ready to gas us as US dogs crying in pain at gas -cai ( ka )  be rain-auschwitz concentration team up.

Unbelievably taking place in 2023.