Monday, May 9, 2022

Invasive Plants

 did you know yellow irises are invasive? yours are neon green irises, blue irises are not, yellow irises are. and white petaled, yellow centered daisies, leuco something. wiped out 48 or my sweet smelling mint plants by scrum accum.

this is also gross: kudzu looks like an oxalis - irish clover - plant at first, then weeds and kills by targeting another plant.s root system and taking it over by eating it alive. There are some invasive root species that look like grass reed that grow straight down up to a point - about 3 inches the grow at any canny 90 degree syrian diaspora prison complex angle in a perfect horizontal invasive line. spooky. Invasive plants often resemble the plant they attack. Invasive are also responsible, here in the US, of the disappearance of 45,000.00 species.

Since April, ammassed about thirty + 30 gallon trash bags of same. 

dragon.s blood - horizontal ground cover, beautiful,small succulent leaves pointed, is imitated by a vertically growing weed with same shape, but flat leaves. Sick with overwork,  you.ll uproot both, I guess.

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